17 April 2024
Cleaning up District Heating
Best technologies and real-life examples
Europe’s district heating networks still heavily rely on fossil gas and coal. But it is imperative for countries and communities to switch their district heating systems to renewable energy sources if we are to cut emissions, improve air quality and keep energy bills at bay.
The ‘Cleaning up District heating’ brochure explores a range of sustainable heat technologies that are already proven – from geothermal energy and industrial heat pumps to solar thermal and technologies utilising waste heat.
Additionally, it reviews several energy technologies that are often promoted as alternatives to coal and gas but are in fact inherently unsustainable.
Intended for practitioners, policymakers, civil society and the energy sector, this brochure also reviews various public financing options that can help enable the transition to clean district heating.
Produced by the Beyond Fossil Fuels coalition and CEE Bankwatch Network.